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We Make You Visible
We are proud of our high speed connection, in fact one of our most frequent compliments from our customers is how fast their site loads... read on and you will see why. We have had tremendous growth due to our great value and customer service, add the best equipment and network connectivity and you have quite a product to offer. KEKHOSTING makes hosting simple, and affordable.
Our Servers are located in a Network Operations Center (NOC) which features raised flooring. This enables a constant flow of conditioned air and helps to maintain uniform room temperature at all times. In addition, raised flooring reduces static and ensures a professional, computer grade environment for our servers. The facility is equipped with a Raytheon fire suppression system, designed to immediately extinguish fire and protect equipment and personnel. The command center is controlled via automatic doors to further secure and protect the equipment.
Finally, the NOC is located in a secure, monitored, class A building with a minimum number of approved personnel allowed access to highly sensitive areas and equipment. A detailed record of employee and visitor entry is maintained at all times.
High-speed network
A lightening fast 100Mbps WAN connection as standard, and optional 1Gbps LAN to link up your servers.
High-quality hardware, minimum latency in our local network and close proximity to the global fiber optic network (FLAC) in New York (USA) all mean you will experience incredibly fast data transfer speeds of up to 100Mbps as standard around the world.
Our state of the art data centers are connected by an 8Tbps fiber optic metro ring. That means fast connectivity to upstream providers and the complete redundancy that comes from multiple high-quality connections. It also means consistent services across our data centers, and the ability to enhance the redundancy of your server architecture across our data centers.
Reliable Network
We have an enviable 100% uptime record over more than two years, and 99.999% over four years, making our network one of the most renowned in the world.
Whether you need the power of dedicated hosting or the flexibility offered by cloud servers and our other cloud hosting services you always get our 100% network uptime guarantee.
High-traffic and unmetered hosting
Get the most out of powerful computing and a fast network, with no hidden charges.
KEK offers high-bandwidth and unmetered hosting options that let you get the most out of our lightening fast, famously reliable network for your servers or unmetered private cloud. And you can benefit from both our network and our expertise, with our new Managed Cloud Hosting service.
Hosting packages: 12TB/Mo, 20TB/Mo or unmetered traffic
WAN: 100Mbps to 1Gbps dedicated connection
LAN: 1Gbps bandwidth and unmetered traffic
When you buy a dedicated server on you can choose a monthly traffic limit that suits your use: 12TB /Mo, 20TB/Mo or unmetered. Once you exceed your limit your service will continue at just N60 per GB.
Connected to Three Backbones
Our network is inter-connected with both Frontier GlobalCenter and Qwest Communications' 13,000-mile fiber optic network and Dense Wave Division Multiplexing technology. This allows our network to provide an enormous 500Gbps capacity worldwide.
This technology also allows our router to be within one to two hops of every major-city in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and anywhere in the world. Direct connections between our router and major GlobalCenter and Qwest hubs ensures elimination of all circuit failures and prevents the 'bottle-neck' effect experienced with a number of service providers.
Our network is completely scalable and can handle several times the bandwidth of an OC-3c line, so if our clients bandwidth needs increase we have the infrastructure to handle the traffic effectively. Also our digital distribution architecture includes private-peering network connections with every major Internet carrier, including Verizon Networks (formerly MCI), UUNET, Verizon, AT&T, Best, Erols and others.
This arrangement allows us to exchange packets of data with every major backbone carrier from a single location in a efficient one-to-one environment. We also have high-speed connections to 8 public exchanges including MAE-East, MAE-West and several NAPS. This allows our customers to reach their site from anywhere in the world. We have a network that is both wide-reaching and best of all, efficient.
Furthermore, because of these unique connections, we do not need to link to the Internet though an OC3 or T3 Telecom circuit. Instead, independent cables run inside our building directly from the NOC to all three carriers points of presence. These lines can handle the bandwidth of a T3 or an OC3 with DWDM. Plus, they handle several times the bandwidth of an OC3.
Our automated systems are Linux-based which is known around the world for it's stability and scalability. Being the most used platform on the Internet today, it suits the needs of both beginner and advanced web hosts, offering an entire suite of programming/scripting environments and tools.
On KEKhost's high quality network, the outgoing traffic travels via Tata Communications (formerly Teleglobe), Videotron, Peer1,TorIX, Level 3 and Deutsche Telekom using the shortest route. For inbound traffic, all available providers are used, Tata Communications, Videotron, Peer1,TorIX, Level 3, Deutsche Telekom and Cogent. During an outage affecting a high quality network provider, the unmetered network can be used to ensure service availability. All this in order to ensure 100% uptime of the network access and prevent saturation of certain access links.
Uninterruptible Power System (UPS)
To guard against local power failures, we are connected to two industrial-grade, three phase Liebert UPS systems. These act as back-up batteries, maintaining uninterrupted power in case of surges or power outages. With these backup systems in place, we can keep our network up and running indefinitely without relying on external power.
Custom Web Servers
Our web servers are custom-built industrial machines designed for a 24/7 web serving environment. All servers are equipped with dual redundant 450-watt power supplies, hot swap drives and force-filtered cooling systems. In addition, our NOC is equipped with an inventory of identically configured, burned-in standby servers.
We use several network partners to ensure 100% uptime and prevent saturation of certain access links. For outgoing traffic we use the shortest available route provided by any network partner. For inbound traffic we use all network partners.
Dedicated Servers
KEK ServMid TM
KEK Platinum NX
KEK Platinum NXE
KEK Platinum NXX
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Dedicated Servers
KEK ServMid TM
KEK Platinum NX
KEK Platinum NXE
KEK Platinum NXX
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KEKHOSTING.COM, a KEK Technology Inc. member Network. Copyright ©2000-2025. All Rights Reserved. Terms & Conditions
We Make You Visible
KEKHOSTING.COM, a KEK Technology Inc. member Network. Copyright ©2000-2025. All Rights Reserved. Terms & Conditions
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