Posted: Nov 14th, 2017
There are several reasons why a message may bounce / be rejected:
> if the message had an attachment that was not considered safe
> if the message had a URL that was not considered safe
> if the words in the body of the message appeared to be heavily spam-like
> if the message came from an address that was thought to be unsafe
> if the sender’s mail system was not considered safe
Steps that may be needed to resolve these problems:
The bounceback messages contain information that can tell us why the message was rejected. There are several common “keywords” that appear in the bounceback messages. The sender needs to skim through the bounceback message, looking for keywords such as the ones below. Depending on the keyword, a different action is needed (as detailed below):
> “Message content rejected” means that there was an attachment or a URL or many words in the message that were considered unsafe. Without looking at the actual message, we don’t know what was rejected. General tips include:
* removing any attachments
* changing URLs from the format to just “”
> “blocked using Barracuda Reputation” means that the sender OR the sender’s domain (the e-mail system that the sender is using) has been sending large amounts of SPAM, and this has been reported by multiple sources. The report was made to “Barracuda”, the service that helps us prevent SPAM. To resolve this problem, the e-mail administrators of the sender’s domain need to contact Barracuda, and an appropriate link for contacting Barracuda. The sender needs to get in touch with their e-mail provider, and forward this link to the e-mail provider.
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